Aug 6, 2008

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The Fight for Saint Jean documentary nears completion
First screening events scheduled for September 2008

July 8th, 2008

BUENOS AIRES - Filmmakers Mike McLean and Marina Recalde are currently in post-production of their new documentary, The Fight for Saint Jean and the Struggle for Education in Argentina. The one-hour film follows the epic struggle of the students of Colegio Saint Jean in their fight to save their school and defend education as a human right for all. The film also tells a 50 year history of struggle for education and human rights in Argentina.

The filmmakers are currently looking for screening events in the United States starting in September of 2008. They are appealing to student groups, human rights organizations, and community members for assistance in organizing a series of grassroots video screenings along the East Coast. The filmmakers will be touring with their film from September 25 until October 8th and hope to have screening events in New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, Allentown, PA, Ohio, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Richmond, Greensboro, NC, and Atlanta, GA.

The Fight for Saint Jean
is just one documentary produced and distributed by Mindful Media, a collective of producers and activists determined to use film to shed light on pressing social issues and create social change. After their first series of screenings, the filmmakers will be developing supplementary education materials so that The Fight for Saint Jean can been used in classrooms to cover several social sciences topics, including students rights & youth in politics, privatization & global economics, community organizing & direct democracy, and much more.

If you or your organization is interested in organizing a screening of The Fight for Saint Jean, please write

Saint Jean on Radio Fenix!

April 1st - Filmmakers Mike McLean and Marina Recalde recently appeared on Radio Fenix 100.3 fm, an independent radio station based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to talk about their new documentary La Lucha por el Saint Jean. They were featured on a program called the Invisibles hosted by radio activists Juan and Pablo.

The two filmmakers spoke about their new documentary, as well as the Mindful Media Collective, a group of independant filmmakers that use documentary films to create social change. To listen to a recording of the radio broadcast click here.

Urgente - nuevo edicto del remate del Saint Jean!

23 de marzo - En octubre de 2007 el colegio Saint Jean estaba bajo la amenaza de ser rematado. Durante un mes sus estudiantes vivieron alli y permitieron el dictado de clases. Finalmente, gracias a su lucha y a la intervencion del diptado Diego Kravetz, el remate fue suspendido y se pudo finalizar el ciclo lectivo. Sin embargo hoy, a tan solo dos semanas de haber comenzado las clases, tuvimos la noticia de un inminente remate en dos semanas.

Hace cinco meses que estamos produciendo el documental La Lucha por el Saint Jean, que trata sobre la lucha de estos estudiantes y sobre la educacion en la Argentina.

Les pedimos que por favor lo difundan o que se comuniquen con nosotros. Realmente necesitamos la ayuda de todos los medios masivos de comunicacion y de la comunidad para evitar que 1200 estudiantes se queden sin educacion.